Home Loans

Thorners Home Loan Services






Here at Thorners we help our clients with their residential and investment home loans. We can assist with purchasing a new home, refinancing an existing one or increasing your existing borrowing.

One of the biggest assets you’ll ever own is your home, so whether it’s your first home or your dream home, getting the right Home Loan to finance it is one of the most important decisions you’ll make.

With your best interests in mind, we can help you structure your mortgage to achieve your financial goals, giving you flexibility both now and in the future, and can help you save on interest over the term of your loan.

It costs you no more to use us as your Home Loan adviser, we are now able to offer advice on home loans with the following providers:

  • ASB (including Sovereign / Go Home Loans)
  • ANZ
  • Westpac

If you’re thinking of buying a new home or refinancing an existing home mortgage talk to our team today. Simply click here to email us, or call us on (04) 528 8088.


Mortgage Protection

  • Our home loan adviser will be able to assist with your personal protection needs and can discuss this further with you if required.