Follow this link to see if you or close family members appear on the IRD’s unclaimed money register. $55 million dollars is unclaimed! Use Thorners for all your insurance and financial Continue Reading
Contact Peter West at Thorner Investment Services Ltd for some no obligation financial advice. Either phone or email Peter at We look forward to hearing from you.Continue Reading
Peter West has arrived and Thorner Investment Services has begun. Contact Peter if you need any KiwiSaver or investment advice. Reading
Contact Thorners for advice and a no obligation quote if you need any OnePath services or products. We look forward to hearing from you.Continue Reading
Computershare Investor Services are currently completing the audit and transfer of the 35,000 names on the SCF database and debenture repayment is expected mid October 2010. Contact Thorners if you require reinvestment alternatives and quality advice.Continue Reading
Legislation allowing New Zealanders returning home from Australia to bring their retirement savings with them will be introduced to Parliament in about two weeks, Finance Minister Bill English says. Providing the necessary law changes are made Continue Reading
At Thorners we have access to a myriad of investment options and we are always guided by the Standard & Poors rating list. Non bank deposit takers have been in the limelight over recent years as many have got into financial difficulty and Continue Reading
The Finance Minister has announced that the retail deposit guarantee scheme which was due to expire on 12 October 2010 will now be extended through to 31 December 2011. Some changes to the scheme’s terms and conditions are being made which Continue Reading
It is estimated that $AUD15 Billion of Aussie Super is sitting in lost or unclaimed accounts and approximately 25% of these funds potentially belong to New Zealander’s who have returned home. Legislation is being introduced in 2009 that Continue Reading