KiwiSaver has recently had a second birthday that celebrated over 1,100,500 members. Of these people 52% were female and only 18% of the total membership were aged 55 plus.
Employee deductions in June 2009 amounted to $62,477,285 and for the financial year ending 30 June were $916,603,051. Total payments by the IRD to providers including kick starts and member tax credits amounted to $2,116,241,037.
Have all of your family had their slice of the cake from KiwiSaver? Whether working or not, so long as you or your family members are under 65 years of age, we can show you how to benefit from KiwSaver. The compounding effect of the additional benefits is hard to beat in the current financial climate.
Contact us if you require more information or would like to join.
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