If you are planning on doing alterations to your home, please contact our office before you start the work as you may need a contract works policy. A common exclusion under your house policy is loss or damage caused by structural additions and/ Continue Reading
Over the years we have seen all types of investment markets. The lessons we have learnt over time prove that in a world of constant change, investment principals stay the same. These rules are as relevant today as they were 15 years ago Continue Reading
Whatever your situation, one thing I’m sure you’ve noticed is that as you get older, you’re life insurance premiums get dearer. As a result of this many people either reduce their cover or cancel it, saying that now they’re older they don’t need Continue Reading
Most domestic contents policies have limits on what they will pay for certain items such as jewellery, watches, photographic equipment, coin/ stamp collections, bicycles and sporting equipment etc unless they are specified on your policy. The Continue Reading
There is a lot more talk in the media about reverse mortgage products lately. This is largely due to the growth in demand driven by the desire of many seniors to stay in the home they love with the financial freedom and independence to enjoy Continue Reading
What does “Market Value” actually mean and how do you know what the market value is? Definition Market Value – the reasonable cost to buy, immediately before the loss and on the retail market, a vehicle of the same; year, make, model and Continue Reading
Things in life are always changing so we want to make it easy for you to ensure that your insurance is keeping up with your lifestyle. If you’ve recently had a major life event, like having a baby, getting married or buying a house, insurance Continue Reading
Our July newsletter features New covers available from Sovereign, your KiwiSaver Member Tax Credits reminder and Tips for Travel Insurance Cover. Click 7. July 2015 Newsletter to read.Continue Reading